S2, E4: Shape a Strong Sense of Purpose
What Do You Meme? Podcast Series, Episode 4 of 4
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Shape a Sense of Purpose
Welcome to the Serenity in Motion podcast and the last episode of the What Do You Meme? Series. A series that has been me talking about what I mean…or meme…when I say shape your own strong sense of self, belonging, and purpose.
It was April 17, 2017 and I had just completed my professional coach training with Mina Brown and the Coach Academy International team in Dallas Texas. My head and my heart were full. I had been hit by a gushing fire hydrant of information, conversation, and practice. And today, as I was searching for a note I had jotted down in my phone about purpose...taht’s the topic of this last episode today. Shape a strong sense of purpose—but, as I was trying to find that note by searching all of my notes using the word purpose, a note from April 2017 popped up. I’m going to share it now.
“I want to figure out how to work with high performing collegiate level coaches perhaps high school coaches and coach them not on performance but in their lives for congruence. Leave the performance coaching to the coach and bring me in for congruence to attain peace and rest
Coaching brings my logical mind together with my deep feeling heart
When I was satisfied with the logical side only, which is the one that I admire the most, I went into computer programming and felt empty and didn't like it.
When I satisfy only the deep feeling heart I feel purposeless. Aimlessly pursuing depth of feeling with no tangible outcomes. It fall into an idealistic "solve all the world’s problems” mode, which leaves me feeling like I don't want to associate with this part of me. I don't want to be identified with this part of me, with being idealistic, with being a dreamer, not a doer.
Coaching brings my logical mind together with my deep feeling heart in such a way that satisfies both.
I am very excited to see what God is going to do with this. It's what he's already planned.”
Today, February 6, 2025, I add this: It allows my idealism to be in sync with—aligned with—my logical mind. When aligned with logic, with truth, feelings become fuel that compel me to take action and move forward.
My thinking regulates my idealism.
It tempers it. And I gain a confident expectancy, I become durable, resilient, flexible, and strong. I am compelled by a sense of purpose.
Purpose is related to the alignment of our innate wiring and our built in ability to think.
In the shape a strong sense of self episode, I talked about our unique ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving that, when acknowledged, develop our sense of self. And that our strong sense of self comes when we not only acknowledge our unique Edge, but when we own it and share it outside and beyond ourselves.
In the shape a strong sense of belonging episode, I talked about our natural attraction to belong to people and places that are like us, but that when we choose to belong to something other, give ourselves to something other, something outside and beyond ourselves, we work to shape a strong sense of belonging, one that defies disappointment.
As I read from the note I wrote 8 years ago, with a view of today, of a day when MettlEdge—through blood, sweat, and tears, has been birthed and is serving women shaped by college sports right now, I understand that my wiring and my thinking and my willingness to learn, try, learn, and try again—along with my willingness to lean in and serve people—along with their willingness to trust me to serve them in sacred and personal spaces have to one degree or another shaped a sense of purpose in me.
A sense that I had for more than these past 8 years. It’s something that has been stirring up in me for decades.
FOCUS: Take a moment to focus on your own thoughts, the ones stirring up in you right now. What are you thinking about?
When I speak of purpose, I’m speaking of something aligned with wiring, with self. With sense of self. It begins with understanding what you’re made to be, owning it, and choosing to develop and share it outside and beyond yourself. Individuate.
When I speak of purpose, I’m speaking of something aligned with place, with a sense of where you belong. With understanding you’re here for more than the people and places that feel like, and think like, and behave like you. Choosing to connect with people outside and beyond yourself. Relate.
There it is. If you haven’t heard me say the words individuate and relate yet, go back and listen to some other episodes. To individuate and relate are two key ingredients for growth, for maturing, for growing up.
Funny thing just came to mind as I write this. What if our purpose is simply to grow up.
What if we were all made to grow up. Oh wait. We were. If we are a living thing, we are a growing thing. At least-- we were made to grow. Remember, don’t fret about the seed. (Episode 1) It wants to grow.
Do you?
The thing about a seed wanting to grow is that it doesn’t have a mind to think otherwise. As I said in that first episode of this series, “Lest we forget, we too began as a seed. Do you want to grow? If so, give yourself what you need.”
Growing is what we were made for. Do you want to grow?
Maybe among the many things you need to grow, you need “want to”.
When I speak of shaping a sense of purpose, I meme, or mean, a sense of wanting to grow, to become, to develop the things you were made to be. That in and of itself offers a sense of purpose.
What are the ways you most naturally think, feel, and behave? In what ways are you growing those things up? Developing them?
FUEL: What do you think about the idea of growing up being a purpose common to each of us humans? In what ways do you agree? In what ways do you disagree?
My thinking regulates my idealism. What does your thinking regulate within you?
My innate talents give me a solid dose of idealism. Utopian passion. When I put my thinking into the service of such passions, taking the time to align my values, beliefs, and real opportunities with the flock of dreams in my heart, it tempers the unrealistic fancy of it. It forges a confident expectancy where uncertain naivety naturally rules. I become more durable, resilient, flexible, and strong.
What forges a confident expectancy in you, making you more durable, resilient, flexible, and strong?
When I say shape a strong sense of purpose, I’m talking about things beyond making yourself feel good. I’m talking about discovering satisfaction. Joy. Fulfillment. And I believe these things arise from within us when we align our thinking with our passions in a way that compels us to take action outside and beyond ourselves. .
When we choose to stop serving self and instead seek to serve others with our self—with what we have to offer—the ways we think, feel, and behave.
When we embrace a willingness to belong in places and enjoy people with whom, on the surface, we may have very little in common.
When we stop trying to find our purpose and we start growing up, it finds us.
FIGHT: In what ways will you fight to shape a strong sense of purpose today?
What’s that thing popping into your mind and within your power that you can do?
When will you do it?
What difference will it make for you and for others when you do?
Who will you tell?
This has been the last of episode in this 4-part What Do You Meme series. A series on what I mean when I say shape your strong sense of self, belonging, and purpose.
Next week will be the beginning of a new series.
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I hope you enjoyed this episode and that it gave you some good food for thought. Catch you next week where we’ll dive into what it memes, I mean means, to shape a strong sense of self.
I pray this podcast has been and continues to be a blessing.