Jill Williams Jill Williams


Welcome to episode two of this 10-part Serenity in Motion podcast series called Resting In The Arms Of The One Who Disarmed You

This series is all about how we lead based on how we show up. Because how we show up sets up how and where we lead others, and ourselves.

It’s about showing up in a way that invites connection, optimizes performance and ushers in confidence and rest.

As I said last week, it’s BOLD to show up that way. It’s bold to show up embodying the rest we are designed to have in Christ.

In this week’s episode I’m going to talk about the things we lose and the things we gain from change. I’m going to do something I haven’t done on any of the other Serenity in Motion podcasts, I’m going to walk through a passage from scripture where Jesus addresses rest, but in a way we might not immediately recognize.

Again, when working with MettlEdge in any of our coaching memberships, you get a neutral, unbiased, confidential and welcoming space to gain clarity, make decisions, move forward, and thrive. We are a group of professionally trained and credentialed coaches.

On this podcast, however, I will sometimes dive into my own values and beliefs, presenting faith content for thought. This happens to be one of those series…the first in fact.

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Series 3: Resting In The Arms of the One Who Disarmed You Episode. 1: Introduction
Jill Williams Jill Williams

Series 3: Resting In The Arms of the One Who Disarmed You Episode. 1: Introduction

I wrote this podcast series in 2019. It’s about rest. Not about sleep, or relaxation. Not meditation. But stillness. Peace. On the inside. It’s really about how we lead based on how we show up. And I get to the heart of rest for me, which as a Jesus following person, has a lot to do with him.

Do feel free to skip over this series if a discussion on faith in Jesus is not something you prefer to listen to and think about.

In our MettlEdge coaching practice, we do not bring personal beliefs into a coaching conversation. But this is not a coaching conversation, it’s a thought-provoking podcast.

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S2, E4: Shape a Strong Sense of Purpose 
Jill Williams Jill Williams

S2, E4: Shape a Strong Sense of Purpose 

It was April 17, 2017 and I had just completed my professional coach training with Mina Brown and the Coach Academy International team in Dallas Texas. My head and my heart were full. I had been hit by a gushing fire hydrant of information, conversation, and practice. And today, as I was searching for a note I had jotted down in my phone about purpose...taht’s the topic of this last episode today. Shape a strong sense of purpose—but, as I was trying to find that note by searching all of my notes using the word purpose, a note from April 2017 popped up. I’m going to share it now. 

“I want to figure out how to work with high performing collegiate level coaches perhaps high school coaches and coach them not on performance but in their lives for congruence. Leave the performance coaching to the coach and bring me in for congruence to attain peace and rest 

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S2, E3: Shape a Strong Sense of Belonging
Jill Williams Jill Williams

S2, E3: Shape a Strong Sense of Belonging

This morning as I was driving in to the office knowing I was heading in to write this episode, a song popped into my head.

I didn’t plan for it. One moment it wasn’t there, and now, nearly 45 minutes later, it’s still sounding off in my head.  So, I’ll share what I’ve been hearing on repeat for almost an hour:

“One of these things is not like the other, one of these things doesn’t belong.”

That’s as far as the lyric goes for me. I know there is more, maybe you know the rest. And I’m so sorry if now you get to enjoy hearing it on repeat in your head for a while.

But that’s not the point of me bringing it up.

The reason I’m sharing this with you is because I think that lyric tells us something about belonging that is very different from what I mean by the word.

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S2, E2: Shape a Strong Sense of Self
Jill Williams Jill Williams

S2, E2: Shape a Strong Sense of Self

Hello again! Time for the second episode of our current series “what do you meme?”.

This time I’m going to share more about what I meme—or mean—by shaping a strong sense of self.

There is a lot that comes to mind when somebody says the word self. I have no intention of getting into that deep well. I do not have a PhD in psychology, psychiatry, or even sociology.

I don’t have a PhD in anything.

I never worked in an HR department and certainly don’t have a degree and anything very people oriented, unless you count talking with them to understand a business process or application design requirement—which is much more effective with a little people first communication…there I go off topic…I studied management information systems. I was a computer programmer in my first job.

I’m definitely a systems thinker. I’m also a future oriented. Idealistic. Potential see-er.

I see potential in people I see potential in ideas I see potential in things.

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Series 2: What Do You Meme? Episode 1: Introduction
Jill Williams Jill Williams

Series 2: What Do You Meme? Episode 1: Introduction

What Do You Meme? Podcast Series, Episode 1 of 4

Hello again! Here we are together again for another Serenity in Motion Podcast series. This new series is a 4-week series called, What Do You Meme?

I was talking about the topic for the series this morning in the kitchen and my daughter gave me this title because I’m going to spend these next four weeks talking about what I mean by shaping a strong sense of self, belonging, and purpose. She immediately had the idea to call it what do you meme and showed me how I could create a meme for each episode….so that’s what I’m doing.

Bear with me.

I’ve never made a meme before.

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S1, E4: The Best Way To Fix Your Weaknesses And Improve Your Leadership
Jill Williams Jill Williams

S1, E4: The Best Way To Fix Your Weaknesses And Improve Your Leadership

Today we’re diving into the third frame of the MettlEdge Mind, let there be strength.

As a reminder, The MettlEdge Mind is a model that helps you harness your high-octane brain to take control of your time, tension, tone, talents, tasks, teamwork, and emotional turbulence to shape a strong sense of self, purpose, and belonging—what I call your MettlEdge.

You do this by putting your thinking into the service of your emotions. I’ve already covered the first two in previous episodes, let there be tension and let there be compassion.

Today I’m going to talk about talents.

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S1, E3: Showing Up Ready To Lead In A New Era Of Leadership
Jill Williams Jill Williams

S1, E3: Showing Up Ready To Lead In A New Era Of Leadership

Times have changed. The standard for effective leadership has changed. We are living with a generation of people who no longer put up with task-driven, results-only authoritarian leadership. We live in a generation of people who demand to be acknowledged. Technology in part drives this demand. Likes. Follows. Go live. Go viral. Get seen. Get paid. Playing fields are leveled. Access points to gaining a platform for your thoughts and ideas are easy to access. Um. Here’s me on a podcast talking to you.

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S1, E2: Mastering Pressure, Stress, Anxiety, Discomfort, And Uncertainty
Jill Williams Jill Williams

S1, E2: Mastering Pressure, Stress, Anxiety, Discomfort, And Uncertainty

Let’s start with a brief recap of the introduction to proactive mindset formation episode:

While you cannot control the disturbances or distractions that come at you daily, you can control your response to them. This is the outcome of a proactive mindset. A proactive mindset positions you to pre-decide you will be open to creatively find a way to keep growing in the face of tension.

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Podcast introduction: Serenity In Motion For Women Shaped By College Sports
Jill Williams Jill Williams

Podcast introduction: Serenity In Motion For Women Shaped By College Sports

Hi, I’m Jill Williams, founder and president of MettlEdge, avid stillness advocate, and creator of The MettlEdge Mind: Coaching your high-octane brain to take control of your time, tension, tone, talents, tasks, teamwork, and emotional turbulence to shape a strong sense of self, purpose, and belonging.

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