5 Reasons for you to work with MettlEdge

Many people think professional coaching is something it is not.

They think it is about following an inspiring and engaging person who is vulnerable, relatable, and entertaining who generates hope and a path for all to enjoy and accomplish more. This is good stuff. Motivating and moving. I would call it inspirational—or relational— leadership. Social Influencing. But, I would not call it professional coaching. As my mentor coach puts it, professional coaching is only inspiring if you are inspired by learning and developing yourself with honesty and humility to see and act on what you believe to be true.

So, what then is professional coaching?

The way we like to put it is that professional executive and leadership coaching puts your mind into the service of your passions. Coaching conversations are creative, energetic, and clear thinking conversations. They are less about giving you a path and more about you forging your own. Your coach is a sounding board holding space in the conversation for you to focus on what matters most to you. Their job is to host a conversation that propels into clarity and awarness and that compels you to design for yourself a relevant, sustainable, and goal-crushing game plan that aligns your wants, with your beliefs, with your way of doing things with success.

Professional coaching is not therapy, consulting, or masterclassing. Again, it is not inspiring unless you find learning and growing to be inspiring. Your coach is not here to be your cheerleader. Your coach is here to challenge you to think with clarity and truth, and in so doing, to be your champion.

Every minute counts, and working with a professional coach helps you make the most of them. That is why MettlEdge is where excellence meets endurance.

We work with individuals and administrators who understand the value these conversations bring to building their athletic department as a whole. We want to work with you so you that through us, you can pour into your coaches and staff who are pouring themselves out to successfully lead and love the athletes they get to coach each day, building up women so they not only make the most of their talent, but so they, too, become women who lead and love others with success.


#1 Regain Your Focus