Strengthen Your Spirit, Still Your Soul, and Keep Going Strong
It’s been a good seven years since I was trained as a professional coach. What I learned at that time is that I’ve been coaching most of my life on the side in whatever job or role I was doing. It was pretty cool to discover that side-gig of having real and meaningful conversations with people is actually a job. On November 10, 2017 I wrote the following blog post on a website no one has ever visited called “Sustainable Performance Coaching: Dialogue and discourse on sustainably maximizing our unique design”.
Here it is:
“I have an INTJ personality type. People with an INTJ design are described as "The Architect". According to Mirriam-Webster, the "definition of architect is 1: a person who designs buildings and advises in their construction, 2: a person who designs and guides a plan or undertaking". If my personality is that of an architect, then my natural bent is to design my life and guide in the implementation of the design. I wrote a paper once on how I can manipulate life to get what I want, limited only by my willingness to do what needed to be done to accomplish the goal. I believed it. And I didn't think much of others in the pursuit. I don't think INTJ people are the only ones working to manipulate to make life what they want it to be.
I am beginning this journey on the dialogue and discourse of sustainably maximizing our unique design because performance is hell. And we were made for more.
The concept of Sustainable Performance™ is founded on the premise that the more you stop trying to perform the more sustainable performance becomes. That life is more about offering your unique design, embracing pain and fear, unwanted circumstances and letting go of what you want in order to grab hold of something more. Acknowledging that control is an illusion we cling to for security and relief in order to continue to perform and push through (ignore) pain, fear, unwanted circumstances to get what we want - or what we think we need.
I'm going to blow up this illusion and proclaim that we are uniquely designed by a good Creator who is in complete control and that we exist not only because of Him, but FOR Him. And when we embrace this as our reality, we are empowered to keep moving forward, maximizing our unique design relying on a power beyond ourselves to continue to endure. Relying on a hope that is birthed in suffering and that allows us to be present and free both in times of joy and pain, suffering and celebration. Allowing us to stop the illusive performing and start the authentic living. Walking into the fog without the baggage of having our own blueprint, our own illusion of control, and discovering more.”
What makes this blog post significant to me is that seven years later, I have walked into that fog, blown up my illusions (there will always be more) and the MettlEdge Brain Fitness Base Camp, without intention, provides a journey into a personal discovery for our clients to blow up their own illusions, whatever they may be, embrace what they believe to be true and thrive as they live by their values and beliefs.
Join us on a journey to discover you were made for so much more.
Awaken your agency. Cultivate your leadership. Transform your outlook. And lead others to do the same.