Want to lead with more confidence, purpose, and connection?

Our Leadership Transformation Program is your safe, structured, and supporting launching pad.

The program consists of a 12-month series of conversations. Leadership transformation takes time.

We highly recommend you find at least one, but no more than four trusted and like minded peers to join you to sharpen one another along the way.

This is relational leadership transformation. It’s the most powerful thing we do.

What you get:

  • Twelve 25 - 45 minute 1:1 executive coaching sessions.

  • Six 60 - 90 minute relational leadership tools training sessions. After completing all six tools sessions, you'll get a digital badge.

  • Six 60 – 90-minute group coaching sessions.

All sessions are your preference of in-person or video conference.

Plus, you get:

A 12-month professional relationship with a certified executive coach, a Gallup Full 34 CliftonStrengths Assessment ($55), CliftonStrengths Theme Insights Cards ($20), a workbook, access to our online studio, and free admission to our local relational leadership events ($35 each)

The 12-Month Agenda

Month One Through Six: The Tools Training

  • One 60-90-Minute Group Tools Conversation/month 

  • One 25–45 Minute 1:1 Laser Coaching Conversation/month

  1. Kickoff Session. This session gets you ready by introducing you to BTR Leadership™, the Studio app, and the communication processes. You will also complete your Success Plan.

  2. Lead with Confidence Session. This session equips you to lead with confidence using Your BOLD Self™.

  3. Lead with Purpose Session.  This session equips you to lead with purpose using Your TalentStack™.

  4. Application Session. This session leads you to apply Your BOLD Mindset™ & Your TalentStack™ to your current leadership roles and responsibilities.

  5. Lead with Connection Session. This session equips you to lead with connection using The AIM Frame™.

  6. Practice Session. This session empowers you to effectively use your BTR Leadership Toolkit™.

Each 1:1 laser coaching session gives you a safe, structured, and supportive professional 1:1 conversation for  you to use to maximize your understanding and personal application of the tools or, you can use these sessions to process your current leadership challenges.

Month Seven Through Twelve: The Tools Application

  • One 60-90-Minute group coaching conversation/month

  • One 25–45 Minute 1-1 laser coaching conversations/month

This is your place to get flooded with confidence, purpose, and human connection. 

  • Process out loud with an unbiased, confidential sounding board

  • Problem-solve on leadership conflicts, challenges, and changes

  • Work on realizing your goals and improving your performance and your well-being

Once you have what you need and are ready to take action, your session is complete – talk for a few as 25 minutes or as many as 45.

Optional: BOLD Self Challenge

Choose to use the BOLD Journal daily. You will learn more about this journal during your Lead with Confidence Session.